Monday, July 07, 2014

This Still Exists?!

I really can't believe this blog still exists. Oh, my word! I am really surprised. I think I will take a moment to look back over some of the stuff I have written here. It all feels like it was so long ago. So much has happened in my life since starting this blog. I wonder if I should catch up on all of it. Or at least some of it.

We will see.

Perhaps by tomorrow I would have figured out what I want to write about. But first, lets look at the past.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Boss Level Achieved!

It took some time, dedication and lots of help from a lot of friends and family. But I was able to finally finish off New York Mafia Wars on Facebook.

And here's the proof of that accomplishment.

(click to enlarge photo)

Now my list of job mastery items are:

Now its time to tackle CUBA or should I just go straight for MOSCOW?

Decisions, Decisions!

Thursday, September 10, 2009