Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Google Chrome

Have you heard about a new browser by Google? I certainly thought my ear was to the ground on things of this nature. But I admit I was caught completely unawares!

I know that Firefox (my most favorite web browser) was on version 3.01 with a 3.02 slated to come out very soon. But I had not known, until today, that Google was making a launch into their own browser. The following text is taken from an article on rlslog, with my highlights in RED.

Google managed to steal the march on the IT news press by announcing its forthcoming new browser whilst the US was busy celebrating Labour Day. As the rest of the world was scratching around for news because the US was shut, Google could be guaranteed to get lots of attention worldwide for its announcement. The free browser, called Chrome, is supposed to be available for downloading today in more than 100 countries for computers running on Windows. Versions for OSX and Linux are still being worked on.

Chrome has more tools for Web surfers to cloak their online preferences, creating a shield that could make it more difficult for Google and other marketing networks to figure out which ads are most likely to appeal to which individuals. Having had a look at it there is not much difference between Chrome and all the other browsers out there and time will tell where its security holes are. Quite where this will leave Firefox – which ranks as the second most popular browser, and which has been dependent on Google support – is anyone's guess. Google recently extended its advertising alliance with Firefox through 2011.

I really wonder how well this browser by Google will protect you from Google? A comic book style explanation of the browser is available online through Google if you are interested in learning more.