Sunday, February 27, 2005

the beat goes on

The last time we saw our hero he was wondering what the point of blogging really was about. This was also being contemplated while downloading Open Office. Let us look in on him now.

Where are you? l am installing Windows XP Pro on a very old Pc, while trying to stay awake. There is approx. 71 minutes left lo go and I am hurting for sleep. This is the part time job I have. I really enjoy the client and hope we can work together for quite some time. But, for the amount they are paying me, my skills as a consultant are being under utilized.

Gotta put a stop to the blogging for now. I am having technical difficulties. The computer locked up at 61 minutes remaining.

Where was I? Oh, never mind. I think I am done for today. I've lost the wind in my sails and don't feel like talking to you. Windows XP has kicked my behind.


Friday, February 25, 2005

What is the Point?

What is the point of being a blogger? Is my life really an open book where I can reveal certain facets of my character online?

Will anyone really actually ever read this? Or even stumble upon it? Maybe my sister. Anyone else? I truly doubt it. And if she (or anyone else) is bored enough to read what I have to say, please help yourself.

In fact, post comments as much as you want. I will neither edit them, nor delete them!

So, what is the point of being a blogger? Why am I now self-proclaimed blogger? Probably because I find myself at the current moment with time on my hands and something to say. I am downloading a really huge program called OpenOffice. It is a suite of "M$ Office"-like programs. The only difference is that it is open source. The bottom line to me is that this means it is free! Don't get me wrong, I still use "M$ Office" every chance I get (at work, on my other computer, on my pocket pc when I am on the go, etc). But on this computer that is hosting my own website, I've chosen to not purchase an additional license for the software and opted for a free alternative solution.

Will I continue to blog? Who knows! For now, I have a poopy diaper to change.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

She is truly a most wanted woman! Posted by Hello