Friday, March 11, 2005

The Airman

What does it take to be a VIP - Very Important Person? First one must realize that on an individual basis, we are more that just people. Each person is a unique individual. There are common threads that unite us as one, such as a common purpose or a unified calling. At the core of it all, after weeding through the mass of people, there is the person.

The first person I pay homage and tribute to is the United States Airman. The Airman is not just any joe-blow, happy-go-lucky, run-of-the-mill, johnny-come-lately member of the
United States Air Force.

Oh No!

The true Airman is the one who takes the Airman's Creed to heart. If you think you are an Airman, recite the Airman's Creed. If you haven't lost that "loving feeling" when you recite it, then I salute you...Airman!

I am an Airman in the United States Air Force, a future leader. I am proud to serve my country and will conduct myself at all times so as to bring credit upon it. As an Airman, I am an important part of the Air Force team and I can achieve any goal I set for myself.

I will make every effort to learn the Air Force way of life. I will learn from my superiors and will carry out their orders to the best of my ability. I will fulfill my responsibilities and display professionalism at all times. I will strive to perform beyond all expectations by using my skills and Air Force education to the maximum degree possible.

I am an Airman in the United States Air Force who shares the great responsibility of preserving the freedom of every man, woman, and child in this nation. An Airman whose loyalty and integrity lies in my faith and devotion to the United States of America. I will set an example for all to follow.