Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where in the world were you born?

Recently my sister, author of her own blog was my Las Vegas tour guide. During this visit we went to a wonderful, interactive wax museum. It was Madame Tussauds-Las Vegas. One of the many celebrities they had was Angelina Jolie. Her figure was exact down to the tattoos on her body. This was really cool.

One thing that caught my eye was the tattoo of coordinates on her left arm. I had to do a little bit of research to find out what these coordinates were of. Come to find out that Angelina Jolie has the latitude and longitude of where each of her four babies was born. This is amazing. See them for yourself.

This brought up an interesting question in my mind. If I were to plot the coordinates of where I was born, what would they be? Where in the world were you born? Please feel free to leave comments with your birth coordinates.

As for me, my coordinates are N35° 8' 19.81", W79° 0' 3.60"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Free TV?

There is a new culture of people. They are those who have a good, strong internet connection, but do not have a satellite or cable subscription. Very odd, peculiar people indeed. You can talk to them about the latest television shows and they will be able to keep up with you. Unless you have TiVO or a DVR, they may actually be more up-to date on the latest episodes of the most current shows.

"How is this possible?" you may ask. Simple, streaming tv shows. I am not talking about anything illegal. I am talking about down home freebies. Which websites are providing free streaming? Lots. You can begin with the major networks:

Or you can head over to some other website collections if there's nothing at these (as if that's possible) that tickle your fancy. Some of these other websites aren't just limited to the ever popular YouTube. But check out these others as well.

You are probably wondering why I am posting this. Well, I happen to love streaming TV. And I know my sister, authtor of her own blog really loves to watch her shows.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

IMVU Free Spin...

For those of us who've tried daily to win the IMVU Free Spin, take hope. It can be won!

This picture prooves it! My darling wifey (in RL that is) was a winner. I know I have a chance.

And a few hours after she won, guess what?! I won tooooo!!! Yippy! It really is a good day.

So, keep plugging away daily @
Maybe you can win some predits (promotional credits) too.

Oh, if you are looking for other credit opps, don't forget to check out the IMVU New Products Page

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Newest Beauty Treatment

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, looking at this
picture actually brings to mind even more questions than it answers.
Check out the video below to shed some light on the newest beauty
treatment to hit America.

Yes, if you guessed that this is a picture and video (below) of a fish
pedicure, then you are absolutely correct.

"A fish pedicure?" you may ask. Of course! And why not?! It is a
wonderful alternative to using razors to hack away and cut off dead
skin. Razors, afterall, can be very unhealthy, nasty and downright

Here come "doctor fish" to the rescue. First used in Turkey and widely
popular in Asian countries, they are making a great start in the US.

Check out this video and see if you may be interested in this special
spa service for yourself.

Baby Lotion? Yep!

You never know when and where new talent will spring up. I saw this awesome video about baby lotion. It comes with a nice beat (home made compliments of a metal pole) and a cool little dance. I think this will really catch on! I am gonna go practice this moves at my own place. Then when I go clubbin' (if I ever decide to), then I can pull this outta my back pocket and just wow the people!!