Friday, April 01, 2005

The Unwilling to Educate

This may sound cynical or to an extent degrading. Today I pay respect and give a tribute to... The Consumer!

Without the Consumer, a lot of businesses would not exist. This is true. There is one special type of Consumer I have in mind. He/She is the one who is educated enough to find the help they need, but are not willing or educated enough to learn to help themselves.

This is tax season and so many countless people are needlessly relying on a paid tax preparer. It's not just the "fat cat" firms making out like bandits on this one either.

In time to come soon Americans will have the ability to dictate how their social security money is being invested. The uneducated or unwilling to educate themselves Consumer will undoubtedly begin flocking to the investment firms and any other source who can invest their for them with little to no oversight.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Original purpose

Lets see if I can get back to the origin of this blog. The name is VIPersons. The very important people in my life was meant to be the focal point of my blog. It appears as though I've gotten sidetracked or derailed. But I will regain my focus.

Just not today. We are going to the store to look around. I plan to price the DVD players and see if World of Warcraft is available. My wife, one of the VIPersons in my life, is going to look for stuff for our babies, 3 precious VIPersons in my life. I have a full exciting day ahead of me.

See ya later!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Aw Schucks

Who is today VIPerson? Give me a few seconds to think about this one.

There are so many possibilities that come to mind. I am not ready to talk about the most important people in my life just yet, my wife and kids. I want to hold off on extoling their virtues for as long as possible.

I have a desire to spotlight other people I've come in contact with who are worthy of my recognition.

This past weekend I realized the headlight on my wife's car was blown out. This would be my second time changing out a headlamp bulb. The first time was on my '95 Geo Tracker. After 30 minutes and 2 bulbs I got it done. I was hoping this job would be easier.

I went down to our local Schuck's aoto parts store. I always feel like a fish out of water in these places because I know very little about cars, car parts and car accessories. I know as a guy I should know more... but I dont.

I had looked through the car headlight book cover to cover for about 5 minutes. I. Had an idea what I was looking for but just could not find it. A young lady, an employee, saw my confusion from across the room. She quickly came to my aid. Within a matter of seconds she had a firm grasp of my delimma.

why is she a VIPerson? For a couple of reasons. She is a woman in a male dominant career, not an easy feat. Her customer service was above par. And most importantly, She did not make me feel any less of a man just because I am not automotily inclined.

By the way, it took me 6 minutes to replace the bulb.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Seattle Citysearch

Seattle Citysearch

A good site to find out some "touristy style info" for the Seattle Area. You can find a lot of Very Important Persons living in Seattle.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The Airman

What does it take to be a VIP - Very Important Person? First one must realize that on an individual basis, we are more that just people. Each person is a unique individual. There are common threads that unite us as one, such as a common purpose or a unified calling. At the core of it all, after weeding through the mass of people, there is the person.

The first person I pay homage and tribute to is the United States Airman. The Airman is not just any joe-blow, happy-go-lucky, run-of-the-mill, johnny-come-lately member of the
United States Air Force.

Oh No!

The true Airman is the one who takes the Airman's Creed to heart. If you think you are an Airman, recite the Airman's Creed. If you haven't lost that "loving feeling" when you recite it, then I salute you...Airman!

I am an Airman in the United States Air Force, a future leader. I am proud to serve my country and will conduct myself at all times so as to bring credit upon it. As an Airman, I am an important part of the Air Force team and I can achieve any goal I set for myself.

I will make every effort to learn the Air Force way of life. I will learn from my superiors and will carry out their orders to the best of my ability. I will fulfill my responsibilities and display professionalism at all times. I will strive to perform beyond all expectations by using my skills and Air Force education to the maximum degree possible.

I am an Airman in the United States Air Force who shares the great responsibility of preserving the freedom of every man, woman, and child in this nation. An Airman whose loyalty and integrity lies in my faith and devotion to the United States of America. I will set an example for all to follow.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Original Purpose

Lets see if I can get back to the origin of this blog. The name is VIPersons. The very important people in my life was meant to be the focal point of my blog. It appears as though I've gotten sidetracked or derailed. But I will regain my focus.

Just not today. We are going to the store to look around. I plan to price the DVD players and see if World of Warcraft is available. My wife, one of the VIPersons in my life, is going to look for stuff for our babies, 3 precious VIPersons in my life. I have a full exciting day ahead of me.

See ya later!

Monday, March 07, 2005

The morning after

What have I done? My boss was not very happy to know that I am now one of those... bloggers. She took a look at what I've written So far and totally grew... Silent!

OMG! What did I do? Should I still do it? Should I edit out all of the personally identifiable stuff?

Should I give it all up? I really don't want to. Now, with opposition to my blogging.. I am not really sure.

They say its like an addiction. I am going to give it a try for awhile without giving personal information that can be tracked back to me. No identity theft here!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

the beat goes on

The last time we saw our hero he was wondering what the point of blogging really was about. This was also being contemplated while downloading Open Office. Let us look in on him now.

Where are you? l am installing Windows XP Pro on a very old Pc, while trying to stay awake. There is approx. 71 minutes left lo go and I am hurting for sleep. This is the part time job I have. I really enjoy the client and hope we can work together for quite some time. But, for the amount they are paying me, my skills as a consultant are being under utilized.

Gotta put a stop to the blogging for now. I am having technical difficulties. The computer locked up at 61 minutes remaining.

Where was I? Oh, never mind. I think I am done for today. I've lost the wind in my sails and don't feel like talking to you. Windows XP has kicked my behind.


Friday, February 25, 2005

What is the Point?

What is the point of being a blogger? Is my life really an open book where I can reveal certain facets of my character online?

Will anyone really actually ever read this? Or even stumble upon it? Maybe my sister. Anyone else? I truly doubt it. And if she (or anyone else) is bored enough to read what I have to say, please help yourself.

In fact, post comments as much as you want. I will neither edit them, nor delete them!

So, what is the point of being a blogger? Why am I now self-proclaimed blogger? Probably because I find myself at the current moment with time on my hands and something to say. I am downloading a really huge program called OpenOffice. It is a suite of "M$ Office"-like programs. The only difference is that it is open source. The bottom line to me is that this means it is free! Don't get me wrong, I still use "M$ Office" every chance I get (at work, on my other computer, on my pocket pc when I am on the go, etc). But on this computer that is hosting my own website, I've chosen to not purchase an additional license for the software and opted for a free alternative solution.

Will I continue to blog? Who knows! For now, I have a poopy diaper to change.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

She is truly a most wanted woman! Posted by Hello