Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hotmail Beta Tester Badges

For those who were Beta Testers for the New Hotmail, here's your badges. Or even if you weren't here are the badges so you can pretend that you were!

Adding your new beta badge into your Windows Live Hotmail signature is easy! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. In your Windows Live Hotmail Inbox, select Options on the top right under your name and then select More Options at the bottom of the menu.
  2. On the Options page under the Customize Your Mail section, click on Personal E-mail Signature.
  3. Now right-click on the signature badge you'd like to use from the choices below, and select "copy".
  4. Return to the e-mail signature page, click in the signature field and either click on the Edit menu in your brower and select Paste, or do CTRL+V.
  5. Then click "Save", and your new signature badge will appear at the bottom of your e-mails!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ving Rhames is everywhere!

(click photo to see Ving Rhames in High Definition!)

Looking up Ving Rhames on IMDB, I was surprised to see just how much work this guy has been getting in just the last two years. He may be one of those quiet, under the radar kind of guys. But I think he has a look that the people really want to see.

And he's certainly been putting in the work. From 2008-2010, he has been quite busy. Going even further back, you will be hard pressed to find a break in the action.

So here is just a snippet of what he's put out in 2008/2009 and a list of things to look forward to for the remainder of 2009 and into 2010.

  1. The Van Zandt Shakedown (2010) (pre-production) (rumored) .... Vincent
  2. Silver Cord (2009) (pre-production) .... Detective Donovan
  3. Unshakable (2009) (pre-production) .... Metzger
  4. The Spanish Harlem Project (2009) (pre-production) .... Nino
  5. Piranha 3-D (2010) (filming)
  6. The Wrath of Cain (2010) (post-production) .... Cain
  7. Master Harold... and the Boys (2010) (post-production) .... Sam
  8. Surrogates (2009) (post-production) .... The Prophet
  9. Rogue's Gallery (2009) (post-production) .... Judgement
  10. King of the Avenue (2009) (post-production) .... Norman De'Sha

  11. The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (2009) .... Jibby Newsome
  12. Give 'em Hell, Malone (2009) .... Boulder
  13. The Tournament (2009) .... Joshua Harlow
  14. Echelon Conspiracy (2009) .... Agent Dave Grant
    ... aka The Conspiracy (Singapore: English title)
  15. Evil Angel (2009) .... Carruthers
  16. The Bridge to Nowhere (2009)
  17. Phantom Punch (2009) .... Sonny Liston
  18. Saving God (2008) .... Armstrong Cane
  19. Day of the Dead (2008) .... Captain Rhodes
    ... aka Day of the Dead: The Need to Feed (USA: DVD title)
  20. A Broken Life (2008) .... Vet

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Favre and the Vikings

In case you haven't heard: Brett Favre is officially a Minnesota Viking!

(click to enlarge picture)

A picture is worth a thousand words. No more needs to be said... at this time.

Oh, here a little commenting on my facebook account
Robert Moore
In case you haven't heard: Brett Favre is officially a Minnesota Viking!
about an hour ago

Joanna Robisch-Mosby
Nobody cares!!! Go Cowboys!!! lol
2 hours ago

Robert Moore
Ppl don't care... yet! In a few weeks "Vikings" ppl will be naming unborn kids "Vikings". Just wait.
about an hour ago

Joanna Robisch-Mosby
LMAO, LMAO, LMAO. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard.
about an hour ago

Evelyn Hicks
You are so out of control! Glad your babies have names already. That was too funny!
about an hour ago

Robert Moore
My oldest did have a pair of viking's booties. But i never put them on her feet to preserve them.
about an hour ago

Evelyn Hicks
I am so laughing at could've totally pulled it off too with the purple and gold. No one would have even questioned it. LOL at the picture on the web site.
about an hour ago

Robert Moore
I took a screen shot of it and posted it on my blog.
about a minute ago

Evelyn Hicks
You are too funny...happy to be a good muse for you. LOL.....rolling on the floor lol!
5 seconds ago

Monday, August 17, 2009

Gospel Music in Korean

Taking their inspiration from the Heritage Mass Choir, this awesome group presents an original style of Korean Gospel music.

Enjoy! I know I did.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fat Burning Furnace Secrets Revealed

I usually don't click on advertisement links I see. But this one really caught my eye. It was for the Fat Burning Furnace. The website gives you quite a bit of information of what does not work. But to find out what does work, you have to buy into the system.

I wasn't going to shell out money for something I really don't need. So I simply hit up a few internet searches and found some reviews. The first review sounded promising. It started out:
"Fat Burning Furnace is a one of a kind fat loss routine written by Rob Poulos, a former overweight himself."

The review goes on to the conlussion:
"Verdict: I recommend Fat Burning Furnace program to anyone who has a good motive to lose fat and build lean muscle to get that ripped look in the least amount of time."

Well in between you may wonder, what is this system that works? In summary the review states:
That is just part of what makes this workout so great. The specialty of this workout routine is that unlike other training programs that ask you to perform 3-4 sets of each exercise, Rob only asks to perform one set. That's it!

But there is more to that one set than one could manage in 3-4 sets. It is the rep speed. In the Fat Burning Furnace, you have to perform each exercise at a specified tempo. For example; 3 seconds to lower the weight and 4 seconds to lift the weight. I believe you've got the picture of what I am trying to explain here.

I decided to do a little more research and find a similar routine that relied on doing slower reps, not a huge emphasis on a lot of reps. You can find the article over at the Men's Health website.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Facebook Apps...Pass The Buck

I was thinking about making a new application for Facebook. It seems as if everybody has their own send a heart, card, fig newton, lollipop, etc. that I might as well make one too.

But mine is Pass The Buck. The idea is simple, people pass the buck to their friends and see who ends up with the most. Like the pillow fight.

The more I think about it the cooler it seems. People can unlock various symbols of currency the more they pass the buck to friends.

Send me a message and let me know what you think about the idea. I've already begun the creation process (logo, icon, name, and a few other things) and have even installed it on my ownself! Check out this picture as proof!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Slow and Steady (Mafia Wars: Myspace)

Yes, it has taken time, but I completed yet another job tier in Cuba. This time in Cuba (on Mafia Wars Myspace). And here is the proof.

Oh and the coolest part is I got a Che Beret! 46 Attack, 34 Defense
I just have one more tier to conquer and then it's back to NY to conquer those as well.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Mafia Wars Help... User discretion is advised!

I cannot condone the use of an autoplayer for Zynga games. However, if you do choose to leverage the power of Greasemonkey and whatever script you find, that is truly up to you. But be familiar with the Terms of Service of whatever game you are going to play by this method before you try it.

Below is a screenshot of a particular script that I find quite interesting. I was concerned at first about it's proclaimed ability to "auto mission mastery + (will get required loot/inventory)"

Below is a screen clip of it in action, and it works like a charm.

If you don't understand what is going on in the screen clip, I will explain. To Master certain jobs, you need consumables. These consumables are acquired from jobs in other tiers. The script (when set up to run) will see what item you are in need of, perform that job, get that consumable and then return to the original job to complete it!

Wow! Works as good as advertised!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Train Your Eyes to See Color, Again

The thought behind the website I found is simple. Profoundly deep and oddly enough very relevant to our every day lives.

There are many reasons why we don't always get what we want. One of these reasons is because we focus on the opposite of what we want. Sometimes, we just can't help it. But, if we are conscious of our thoughts, we can intercept these thoughts and shift our frame of mind towards our desired goals.

Have you ever been particularly annoyed by a person or situation? The more we complain about it, the more we notice it. The more we notice it, the worse it becomes. The next time we interact with that person or situation, we almost expect to be annoyed and thus subconsciously look for those small triggers that'll make us annoyed.

If this has caught your attention, follow the link on Training Your Eyes to See Color, Again:

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Comodo Firewall & AntiVirus to the rescue

Awhile ago I made a post about the Comodo Backup program that I use on my home computer. The program is working out really well. It does backups according to the schedule I set several months ago, and is still going strong.

More recently I had several issues with my computer and viruses. I routinely have relied on Grisoft's AVG. It worked as well as any other program out there. But it did very little to keep me from getting this recurring virus that had infiltrated my computer. It got rid of the symptoms, while not coming close to eradicating the true source of the problem.

Then, Comodo came to my rescue with a "Free Firewall and AntiVirus software" program that works "together to keep your PC safe from malicious software and Hackers"

Please check them out at

I have nothing but good things to say about this program. It is so worth it. And it is free!

Of course being a firewall program, it takes time to train it allow your regular programs access the internet. But after a few hours the bulk of your items will be on the safe list. Work with it for a week, and you will have very few pop ups.