Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Comodo Firewall & AntiVirus to the rescue

Awhile ago I made a post about the Comodo Backup program that I use on my home computer. The program is working out really well. It does backups according to the schedule I set several months ago, and is still going strong.

More recently I had several issues with my computer and viruses. I routinely have relied on Grisoft's AVG. It worked as well as any other program out there. But it did very little to keep me from getting this recurring virus that had infiltrated my computer. It got rid of the symptoms, while not coming close to eradicating the true source of the problem.

Then, Comodo came to my rescue with a "Free Firewall and AntiVirus software" program that works "together to keep your PC safe from malicious software and Hackers"

Please check them out at

I have nothing but good things to say about this program. It is so worth it. And it is free!

Of course being a firewall program, it takes time to train it allow your regular programs access the internet. But after a few hours the bulk of your items will be on the safe list. Work with it for a week, and you will have very few pop ups.