In case you haven't heard: Brett Favre is officially a Minnesota Viking!
A picture is worth a thousand words. No more needs to be said... at this time.
Oh, here a little commenting on my facebook account
Robert Moore
In case you haven't heard: Brett Favre is officially a Minnesota Viking!
about an hour ago
Joanna Robisch-Mosby
Nobody cares!!! Go Cowboys!!! lol
2 hours ago
Robert Moore
Ppl don't care... yet! In a few weeks "Vikings" ppl will be naming unborn kids "Vikings". Just wait.
about an hour ago
Joanna Robisch-Mosby
LMAO, LMAO, LMAO. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard.
about an hour ago
Evelyn Hicks
You are so out of control! Glad your babies have names already. That was too funny!
about an hour ago
Robert Moore
My oldest did have a pair of viking's booties. But i never put them on her feet to preserve them.
about an hour ago
Evelyn Hicks
I am so laughing at could've totally pulled it off too with the purple and gold. No one would have even questioned it. LOL at the picture on the web site.
about an hour ago
Robert Moore
I took a screen shot of it and posted it on my blog.
about a minute ago
Evelyn Hicks
You are too funny...happy to be a good muse for you. LOL.....rolling on the floor lol!
5 seconds ago