Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For the good...

Biblical scripture reassures us in Romans 8:28 that God has the ability to work things out for our good. There are two things I am reminded of in reading this.

1) This statement does not mean that everything bad that happens in our lives was caused or allowed to happen by God. Often times people lose the life of a loved one or friend and question "Where was God in all of this?" Let me assure you that God was there. God is still there. God is in the midst of everything that is going on. But so is our adversary the devil. Scripture tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 that the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Even though he is going back and forth, to and fro, he cannot be everyone at the same time. But God is everywhere.

2) The second thing I am reminded of is that God is working on behalf of those who satisfy two requirements. He is working on behalf of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose.

I am still working on the second part myself. So often I say "I love you Lord", but then turn around some time later and do something that makes my heavenly Father sad. But through it all, I know I am a work in progress.

Dottie Peoples has a song entitled God Meant It For My Good. A portion of the lyrics and chorus are:

I've had trials and tribulations
Unexpected situations
Living here below
I've had friends to turn their backs on me and
leave me standing in the

He meant it for my good
God meant it for my good
He brought me out without a doubt
I knew that he would
Now I know no defeat, I'm strong when I'm weak God gave me a song, now I
must sing on The devil meant it for bad, but I'm so glad God meant it
for my good

Please stay strong and encouraged. This message is not over.