Monday, September 29, 2008

On Hiatus

I will be on Hiatus for a little while as I battle the rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

This will be a battle unlike any other you can imagine. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. The weapons of my warfare are not carnal. But they are made mighty through God. These weapons are used to pull down strong holds. These weapons are used to cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. These weapons are used to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

So as I prepare each day I am mindful to put on the whole armor of God. I must do this so that when the day of evil comes, I may be able to stand my ground. And having done everything I can, to stand.

Why me? Because many are called, but the chosen are few. So I will be on hiatus for a little while.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Price is Right

There is a name for people who are not hardcore gamers, but still enjoy playing a game here and there. The name for these people are casual gamers. I am one of those types of people. I enjoy playing a game every now and then, but nothing that really is going to take up a lot of time from school, work, family life or my Christian walk. I am very selective about what I play not just around the kids, but even when the kids are not watching.

I have a Nintendo Wii and a PC that are fun to play games on. And I was surprised when a specific game came out. It is an old one, and as you can see from the title of this blog, you more than likely have seen countless episodes of the game. It is The Price is Right video game.


The game is available on the following platforms.

Why is this exciting? Well for the PC version I came across the following statement that made me say, in an audible voice, "That's pretty cool !"

The Price is Right has fairly high system requirements. To ensure it will run on your computer, please take advantage of the free 60 minute trial before purchasing.

So find out more about the game at the following websites and decide if you want to give it a try!
Main website
IGN Entertainment Games Review
Gamespot Games Review

iWin is just one site that has the 60 minute trial. If you look around, you may find others. Or just click here and not look anywhere else at all. It is up to you.

Friday, September 26, 2008

That's my J-A-M !!

No matter where you are, in the supermarket, mall or even Best Buy. When your jam comes on the radio, you just gotta do your dance and rep for your hood.

Just try, try, try not to get tooo carried away in the dance off!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Introducing Amazon Video On Demand

I received an email from nothing new there. They love me so much that they send me emails very frequently.

However, in this email, the top line was:

"You can now choose from thousands of movies and commercial-free
TV shows to watch from your PC or Mac,
no downloading required."

Well, after having found legally free Microsoft Software earlier in the day, I was all up for another freebie.

I had to check it out. The selection of FREE TV shows was very, very limited. In fact, it was just a cover up for their Video On Demand Pay To View TV & Movies.

The banner does look cool, however. So I may check it out at work. If it works there, then I may be interested. If not... oh well. I will still be on the look out for more legally free stuffs.

OOpps!! I almost forgot to give you the link to try it out. So, Click here to check out the limited FREE section of TV shows.

Be prepared to update your flash to Version 9, if you haven't already done so.

Office Accounting Express - F-R-E-E Software !!

Do you like free software?
How about legally free software?
How about legally free Microsoft software?

Well, here's a product I am about to try out. It is Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2008. The professional version costs money, but this Express version is FREE !

How cool is that?! Way cool!

Here's what you get with the software. This information is taken directly from the product website. You can also go here to begin your download. No, I am not being paid by Microsoft to hype this product. I just like sharing FREE LEGAL Software with all my friends, family and blog visitors.

The following information taken directly from the Microsoft website.

Microsoft® Office Accounting Express is an easy to use accounting package that works with other Office applications you already know.

  • Save time on everyday tasks

    • Get started in minutes with a step by step interview wizard
    • Create invoices, track time and expenses and bank online
    • Enter data once and share it seamlessly with other Microsoft Office system programs
    • Manage payroll and accept credit cards with affordable add-on services that save you time and money
  • Get a complete view of your business

    • See customer, vendor, employee and financial data in one place
    • Get business insights with customizable reports
    • Easily share your books with your accountant through Office Live
  • Grow your business online

    • List items on eBay, manage sales and download transactions
    • Email invoices and get paid faster with PayPal
    • Process credit card payments directly in Office Accounting

With all of this available, how come you haven't already downloaded the program yet? Here's the link to download.

Not convinced? Check out this medium-length video to really get the scoop and see how it may benefit you!

Online Videos by

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Christian the Lion

Two friends living in London in 1969 bought a 35-pound lion cub, who they named Christian, and raised him in a flat under the furniture store where they worked. But after a year, he had grown to 185 pounds and had become very expensive to feed. The men met wild life naturalist George Adamson, who helped them reintroduce Christian to his natural habitat in Kenya.

Here is the video on YouTube. It is a very heartfelt, telling story of true friendship... even in the animal kingdom. Here is a link to the article on Wikipedia - Christian the Lion

And something certainly worth blogging on.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Only 14 Days until you can say "I Do" to Fireproof.

Fireproof - the Movie is on Blogspot with their own Blog. It will be in theaters 26 September 2008.

For those who didn't know, Fireproof looks to be an awesome movie. Check out the following links for trailers and more info:

Apple.Com - Movie Trailers - Fireproof

IMDB.Com - Fireproof (2008)

ChristianAnswers.Net - Fireproof

Hollywood Jesus.Com - Fireproof

This is certainly a must see movie of the year. After watching the trailer, how can anyone say differently??

A Blast From the Past

I remember not long ago when my oldest daughter was learning the alphabet song. Only to be upstaged by her younger sister. Anyone else remember those days?

Put Your Car Keys Beside Your Bed At Night

I had never really heard of this before, but when you really stop to think about it, it does make sense.

The advice to have a set of car keys by your bed at night is a wonderful idea.

The advice circulating in blogs and other websites goes like this.

If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the remote. It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break in your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around... after a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that.

A few disclaimers
  • If you live in an apartment this will probably not work for you.
  • If you don't have an alarm/panic mode for your car, this will certainly not work for you.
  • This assumes you have neighbors who really look out the windows when they hear car alarms going off. Actually, I don't think anyone even looks around any more when the sound of a car alarm goes off.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Google Chrome Update

I tried out the program. I kicked the tires. I peeked under the hood.


And then…


I went back to Firefox.

Drink NOS?

Can you really drink NOS? Yes you can! I am not talking about the product known as Nitrous Oxide Systems, a manufacturer of Nitrous oxide systems, a gas used as an automobile fuel oxidizer for high-performance automobiles.

Rather I am talking about an energy drink (soft drink) that can be found at Drink

The bottle that I guzzled last night really did not get me super wired or hyper, but it did keep me from falling asleep on the night shift.

Was it as exciting as as getting some relaxation from a yogurt? Maybe not. But it did taste like real fruit punch.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Installed Google Chrome

I installed Google Chrome Browser today. Remember when I mentioned it in this post on my blog?

Well, I will let everyone know my findings after the weekend testing. If you are interested in trying it out for yourself, kick the tires around, see if you like it, you can download it from their website:

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Choice Was Not Hard (T-Shirt Woot)

A little while ago, my sister posted a picture of the then current T-Shirt Woot item. The title of her blog and the T-Shirt offer were New Kid in Town.

In the spirit of that post, which can be found on her Salt and Light blog, I too have found a picture I have truly fallen in love with.

Yes, that is about it. Just a quick little note to share this with everyone!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Joy is a Sling?

Most recently I began to wonder, question, ponder, inquire, seek the answer to the query What is joy?

Well if you talk to enough in your daily walk of life and ask this question, one plausible answer you will get is,

"You will know it when you see it"

I was in a pharmacy yesterday, and based on these pictures of products I saw, I think I know what joy looks like. And I even know how you can get joy. You can buy it. It is called a sling.

Now that you've probably stopped laughing, I will take it a little too deep. The ladies of course are just ad figures for a product. But when you really think about it, a sling is joy.

  • a support in your time of need
  • helps you when you cannot help yourself
  • is not designed to be permanent
  • when you are well on your way to your healing, it can be removed
  • is not free, it will cost you something
  • comes when you need it the most, after you've probably been hurt
  • will probably be forgotten after the painful season in your life is over
  • will be there for you in the future should the need arise

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Google Chrome

Have you heard about a new browser by Google? I certainly thought my ear was to the ground on things of this nature. But I admit I was caught completely unawares!

I know that Firefox (my most favorite web browser) was on version 3.01 with a 3.02 slated to come out very soon. But I had not known, until today, that Google was making a launch into their own browser. The following text is taken from an article on rlslog, with my highlights in RED.

Google managed to steal the march on the IT news press by announcing its forthcoming new browser whilst the US was busy celebrating Labour Day. As the rest of the world was scratching around for news because the US was shut, Google could be guaranteed to get lots of attention worldwide for its announcement. The free browser, called Chrome, is supposed to be available for downloading today in more than 100 countries for computers running on Windows. Versions for OSX and Linux are still being worked on.

Chrome has more tools for Web surfers to cloak their online preferences, creating a shield that could make it more difficult for Google and other marketing networks to figure out which ads are most likely to appeal to which individuals. Having had a look at it there is not much difference between Chrome and all the other browsers out there and time will tell where its security holes are. Quite where this will leave Firefox – which ranks as the second most popular browser, and which has been dependent on Google support – is anyone's guess. Google recently extended its advertising alliance with Firefox through 2011.

I really wonder how well this browser by Google will protect you from Google? A comic book style explanation of the browser is available online through Google if you are interested in learning more.